Are you new to Neuchâtel?

Are you a stay at home mother who needs to get out of the house once a week to have adult conversations?

Are you looking for a place where you can just connect to other like-minded women and feel good?

Then, WorkPod’s Community Membership is perfect for you.

With only Chf 70.00 monthly, you will be able to participate in free events like ladies apero, breakfast club, book club and many more.

You will also have the perks to attend workshops and seminars at discounted price.

For the community membership, you will be able to have access to WorkPod’s nomad working space for 4 hours monthly. Enough time for you to work in peace on your writing, your projects or even catch up on some reading. You can even talk to other women and have some engaging conversation with them!

With only Chf 70.00, you will be able to feel a sense of belonging, meet new people and participate in events which may delight you.

Join us today! We will be happy to welcome you and have you as part of the WorkPod community. 

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